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贾兰兰 讲师

Lanlan Jia, Lecturer


Email: jialanlan@sicau.edu.cn

办公室: 四川农业大学6107

Office Room: Room 107 of the 6th building in SICAU


2011.9-2015.6,四川大学生命科学学院,生命科学与技术(基地班),学士(B.D, Sichuan University, PR China);

2015.9-2021.8,四川大学华西医院生物治疗国家重点实验室,细胞生物学,博士(Ph.D, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, PR China);

2018.1-2019.3美国约翰斯霍普金斯医学院,神经科学,访问学生(Trainee, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

2022.2至今,四川农业大学动物医学院,讲师(Lecturer,Sichuan Agricultural University, PR China;

研究方向/Research Interests

我的工作主要关注于小鼠神经系统发育过程中关键基因的鉴定及其功能学的研究,重点关注在生理及损伤情况下,神经胶质细胞-神经元代谢偶联对神经系统的发生,维持及修复的作用。在此基础上,结合基因修饰和转基因技术,建立神经退行性病变和神经损伤的实验动物模型。近年来,先后在《Developmental Cell》、《PNAS》等国际一流期刊发表SCI论文。

Prof. Jia’ research focuses on the identification of key genes in the developmental process of the mouse nervous system and their functional studies, especially role of metabolic coupling between glial cells and neurons in the genesis, maintenance and repair of nervous system under physiological and injury conditions. On this basis, we establish the experimental animal models of neurodegenerative disorders and nerve injury through genetically modification or transgene.


地址:四川省成都市温江区惠民路211号 611130 电话:+86 028 8629 1348
四川农业大学实验动物疾病模型研究室 E-mail: liuwt1986@126.com